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Who is the music of Steampunk?

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Who is the music of Steampunk? Empty Who is the music of Steampunk?

Post  grolus Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:38 am

Hello all,

I'm from Sunday Driver, we've been pigeon holed into the steampunk movemet by a gentleman in Brighton who is organising a gala event in the name of helping refugees:


We're very happy to have been introduced to this fantastic movement, and it seems a totally logical step for us to make from our Calcutta-Raj-Dore inspired album: In the City of Dreadful Night.

I took to writing cryptic emails all about the place after discovering we had (much to our delight) been pigeon holed as Steampunk... and here we find ourselves - coming to the Asylum!

So please do tell me how the rest of you have ended up here... who were the first Steampunker's to put sound to brass goggles, did they inspire your band of disperates or were you already in the retro future?

We're all incredibly excited about the event! And we will be blaming the men for nothing Razz





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Join date : 2009-08-18

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Who is the music of Steampunk? Empty Re: Who is the music of Steampunk?

Post  Andrew O'Neill Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:09 am

We don't take influence from any other steampunk bands. We love punk and we love the Victorian era, so we've tried to come up with a 'Victorian Punk' sound.

Our backgrounds are all in much heavier music. I listen almost entirely to black metal, Andy was in the goth/metal band Creaming Jesus, Ben plays drums for PaleHorse - about the heaviest thing you can imagine.

We're trying to keep it catchy, singalong and fun, with a little bit of added weight.

I'm a stand-up comic too, so there will always be a comedic element to what we do.

Andrew O'Neill

Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-09-02

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