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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  Admin Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:28 am

Hi Guys, Tinker here.

The event is looking great and we are pleased you are all on board. Rest assured that we turned down a number of bands who wanted to play.

Asif will be logging on here soon. He is our Tech Manager. You can liaise with him about your setups and gear etc. If any extra gear is needed that we don't have access to then we can look at hiring it in for the event. You have your own sound guys etc but you will have support at the event from Asif and his team.

Things will be fairly tight at the event with regards to setting up and changes etc. Cooperation and a team ethic will go a long way. Remember NME said this was one of the Top 10 places to be seen this year. In years to come I hope you can all be proud to say "We played the first Asylum"

Looking forward to it and seeing you in Lincoln.




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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Tech Manager

Post  Asif Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:48 am

Hi Everyone

Asif here, I've now logged on and ready go. For starters could all the bands please let me know what equipment you will be bringing to the event and what your requirements will be i.e you will be bringing all your equipment and need a power point to plug into or all equipment and need a mixer/pa to plug into. I also need to know your setup times etc.

And the main aim of all this is to get some sort of compatablity together so we can meet all of your requirements together with quick and smooth changeovers us.

Take care


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  AndiiV Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:30 am

Hi Asif,

The ghostfire set up is drums, one guitar amp, one bass amp, our keys player goes straight through the PA, and four vocals. We'll have our own backline but that's it - no mixer, PA or anything like that.

I wasn't clear from Tinker's post - but will there be some kind of sound engineer to work the PA and desk? We don't have anybody who could do that kind of thing.

Bearing in mind we'll probably be sharing a kit - our set up time is about 10-15 minutes.



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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  Admin Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:47 pm

Yes we will have someone to work the desk.


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  flo Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:43 pm

Hey Arif (And Everyone)

The weekend is gonna be brilliant.

Trousseaux here.

Our setup is

Vocals - 1
Guitar -1 (We have Amp )
Bass - 1 (We dont have amp- so will need to borrow if poss)
Keys - D/I
Cello - D/I (+Mike ?)
Violin - D/I (+ Mike ?)
Drums (Kick, Snare, 1 x Rack, 1 x Floor)
Drum Triggered Sampler D/I


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  flo Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:45 pm

Sorry Asif (typed Arif)


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  Aubrey Calliope Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:25 pm

Hi - Aubrey Calliope here -

My sound needs are pretty simple - just me and my guitar - an electric acoustic. I need a mic with a gooseneck (I'll stand when performing) and a direct box for a line in to the PA. I have my own guitar chord that I'll bring. And that's it!

Thanks! Can't wait to meet and party like it's 1899!

Aubrey (aka Trace Baker)
Aubrey Calliope
Aubrey Calliope

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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Music Stand

Post  Aubrey Calliope Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:05 pm

Will it be possible to have a music stand provided - that might be difficult to have on the flight!

Aubrey Calliope
Aubrey Calliope

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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing

Post  Andrew O'Neill Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:29 am


Sorry I'm late to the party, been up in Edinburgh.

Our line-up is

Andrew: Guitar + vocal
Andy: Saw + vocal
Marc: Bass + vocal
Ben: Drums + vocal

Have we established whether there's going to be a drum kit we can all use? We really just need a bass drum and mid and/or floor tom.

Will we be able to use someone's bass amp as well? That would really help!

Aubrey: I'll be bringing my music stand for my comedy show. You're welcome to use that.

Andrew O'Neill

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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty SO FAR from Asif

Post  Asif Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:18 am

HI Guys
Flo from Trousseaux is kindly allowing all the use of a full drumkit. It consists of Kick, Two Toms (rack + floor) and cymbal stands and stool with trigger pads and sampler. Thanks Flo !!!! But they prefer others to use thier own pedals, snare, cymbals.

So now we have to sort out Guitar amp, Bass Amp and some mics and stands. 10 Days to go so if there is anyone willing others to use any of their equipment please could you let me know asap.
Thanks everyone


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  AndiiV Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:46 pm

Mikes and stands will be a potentially huge problem. Most bands don't carry them as part of their standard kit. Ghostfire certainly don't. I would suggest hiring some (loads) in for all bands to share as I strongly suspect we'll all be firmly in the lurch if they're not there.


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  Asif Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:05 am

Thats prob what will happen, just trying to get what nots etc


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Music Stand

Post  flo Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:25 am

Hey all

We have 2 music stands which can be borrowed

Flo (Trousseaux)


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Stuff We need

Post  flo Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:31 am

He Asif - and everybody

Maybe, Asif, you could post a list of Items that we need to try and source. That way we could all check what we have then cross them off the list - does that make sense ?

Also are we ok for drum mikes ?

flo (trousseaux)

Also just in case if anybody needs to get hold of trousseaux
email : aunty_flo@hotmail.com
Phone 07745978939


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  Andrew O'Neill Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:45 pm

Why don't we just bring a mic and stand each? Problem solved!

Andrew O'Neill

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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  AndiiV Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:28 am

Ummm, because we don't have any...


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty This is it : What we've GOT !!

Post  Asif Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:48 am

Hi Everyone
Just a few days to go and I hope this will cover everyones needs. Tinker has stated that the volume of the music for both nights is to at a level that people will still be able to loudly converse with each other Smile, hence no drum mics as drums should be loud enough without amplification at this level. So below is the equipment and backline that will be available for all bands and performers. Please, please, please if you need a lead for guitars, keys etc bring it with you.

PA - 600w system with a 12 - channel mixer. The mixer has 4 xlr/jack inputs with 3 band equaliser and gain/vol controls and 8 jack inputs with gain/vol controls.

Guitar amp - approx. 50w available for all to use

Bass amp - approx. 300w available for all to use

5 mics and stands - available for all to use

Drum Kit - Thanks to Flo, cheers but please read my previous post regarding this

Music stand - Someone has mentioned they can bring one and Flo, thanks again, has mentioned he has two available so can those people bring them

No one has contacted me with any other requirements, so thats it thats what we've got, today is the cut off for getting anything else in. If you need to contact me my number is 07727 244533. Lets all have a fab time and look forward to meeting you all.



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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  AndiiV Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:10 am

It's not really a special requirement but just so you know - we have keyboards that have to go through the PA. I take it there are monitors??


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  Asif Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:42 am

Keys are fine to go through the PA and from what I can gather from the powers that be there will not be any monitors because we won't be "BLASTING OUT". The mixer does have an aux for monitors so if you got em' bring em'. Remember your leads for the keys.


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  AndiiV Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:01 am

Since we have four-way vocals and keyboards going through the PA, some sort of monitoring is going to be vital. Regardless of on-stage volumes, it's usually not possible to hear the mix that's going into the room through the PA stacks since the band is usually several feet behind them. I think all bands playing would appreciate some kind of on-stage monitoring or vocals will be all over the place. Even in our rehearsal room we have monitoring...


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  Asif Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:22 am

Ok your not going to be too far away from Pa sound so that should not be an issue BUT to solve prob we have come up with a small monitor to help you along the way Very Happy



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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  AndiiV Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:29 am

Well the main issue is that the sound from the PA is going the wrong way so generally all you hear on stage is a very muddy approximation of what the audience is hearing, with no sound separation or definition. It makes multi-vocal integration tenuous at best, and our keys player would be playing 'blind' as he relies totally on monitors. I'm trying to rustle up something in the way of extra monitors to bring with us, but can't be certain of that happening. I'd say the more monitors you can manage the better. You might find Trousseaux have some similar instrumental issues to Ghostfire, though obviously I don't want to speak on their behalf.


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Monitoring

Post  flo Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:31 pm

Hey all

We would def want some monitoring at least for our singer. She finds it very difficult to sing without it (especially as we have so much going on)

We can bring a pair of cheap studio monitors (powered speakers in effect) but have no idea if that will work . Let me know if you want me to bring them



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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Re: Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk

Post  AndiiV Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:05 pm

Ghostfire can bring up my little 1x12 guitar cab which might work as an impromptu monitor, but ideally the PA hire company, venue or sound organisers need to rustle up at least two or three proper stage monitors for the bigger bands to use. None of us want to sound like an absolute out of tune mess on the night because we can't hear what we're doing...

Perhaps there's a rehearsal studio in the area who might be prepared to loan some out??


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Sorting out the Sound of Steampunk Empty Monitors

Post  Asif Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:00 am

Thanks Guys that would be very helpful. Sorry if this has caused any issue and thank you all for helping resolve it. SO YES YES bring them with you with leads if poss, the monitors can go through either my mixer and/or through my speakers as they have a jack input/output we can take a feed from.


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